SCML Meeting: February 6, 2019
Postdoctoral Scholar Mohammad Jafari from the group of Professor Marcella Gomez (Applied Math) will present “On the Machine Learning-Based Prediction and Control of Biological Systems”.
Abstract: Due to the complex nonlinear nature of biological systems, it is challenging to predict their behavior and/or control their response. It is known that no model will be able to capture all the details of the system and large datasets are not always available a priori. Therefore, employing methodologies with no dependency on large-scale datasets or a priori knowledge of
dynamical models is very important.
In this talk, I will present the key concepts behind online Machine Learning based prediction and control of dynamical systems. I will present the concept of online training vs. offline training and their pros and cons. I will share strategies for tuning neural network parameters and present the latest results of applying online ML-based prediction and control techniques to biological systems by the Gomez Lab at UC Santa Cruz.